Monday, September 5, 2011

Setting up Android Development Environment

I would like to give a brief, clear and step by step procedure of downloading and installing Android SDK and integrating it with eclipse. This post not only explains setting up environment for Android development. I have given the solution for a common problem faced by all during the installation process and also as usual i have given tutorial for a Hello Android Project.

Beginning for installation, first Click Here and follow the steps as shown in the image below.

To download eclipse Click Here

Before selecting the location of the SDK, usually the SDK will be saved in "C:/Program Files/Android/sdk". If you connect to this location means after completion of all procedures, if you try to run your application means the error shown in the bellow image will be thrown and the emulator wont start.This problem is due to the "Program Files". As the word "Program Files" has space in between, the path seems to be broken and the emulator wont recognize the path. So you have to cut the Android folder(including sub folder) from "C:/Program Files/Android/sdk" and paste it in the C drive and give its path.

Arun Kumar Munusamy
Arun Kumar Munusamy Web Developer

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